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Anno accademico 2012/2013

Codice dell'attività didattica
Mauro Tosco (Titolare del corso)
Corso di studi
controllare nei Piani carriera a quali Corsi di studio è offerto l'insegnamento, a seconda della coorte di riferimento
1° anno 2° anno
Periodo didattico
Secondo semestre - prima parte
Per tutti gli ambiti
SSD dell'attività didattica
L-OR/09 - lingue e letterature dell'africa
Modalità di erogazione
Lingua di insegnamento
Modalità di frequenza
Tipologia d'esame

Sommario insegnamento


Obiettivi formativi

 Il corso intende fornire un inquadramento tipologico e metodologico sulle lingue del Corno d'Africa (cuscitiche e omotiche in particolare).

 The classes will provide a typological and methodological framework for the study of the languages of the Horn of Africa (especially those belonging to the Cushitic and Omotic branches).



 "Caratteristiche tipologiche delle lingue del Corno d'Africa"

Il corso approfondirà alcune caratteristiche salienti delle lingue del Corno d'Africa:

- la correlazione di genere e numero nel nome e nel verbo e loro natura derivativa;

- i clitici soggetti, il loro sviluppo e tipologia;

- le adposizioni;

- la marcatura del topic e del focus

 "Typological features of the languages of the Horn of Africa"

The classes will provide data and analysis of a few salient typological features of the languages of the Horn of Africa:

- gender and number in nouns and verbs, their interplay and derivative nature;

- the subject clitics, their development and cross-linguistic typology;

- the adpositions;

- topic and focus marking.


Testi consigliati e bibliografia


Opere generali:

Corbett, Greville G. 1991. Gender. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Corbett, Greville G. 2004. Number. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Saeed, John I. 1999. Somali. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


Articoli tipologici:

(N.B.: altri articoli saranno presentati e discussi nell'ambito del corso).

Hetzron, Robert. 1989. “Typological peculiarities in Somali”. Lingua 23/1-2: 26.

Ongaye Oda Orkaydo. Forthcoming. “The category of number in Konso.” In: Alessandro Mengozzi and Mauro Tosco (eds.), Sounds and Words through the Millennia: Afroasiatic from Turin. Alessandria: dell’Orso.

Saeed, John I. 1996. “Head-marking and pronominal clitics in Somali”. In: Richard J. Hayward and Ian M. Lewis (eds.), Voice and Power: The culture of language in North-East Africa. Essays in Honour of B.W. Andrzejewski. London: School of Oriental and African Studies: 37-49.

Savà, Graziano. 2007. “Interaction between gender and number in Cushitic: the case of Ts’amakko”. In: Marco Moriggi (eds.), Atti del XII Incontro Italiano di Linguistica Camito-Semitica (Afroasiatica). Soveria Mannelli (Cosenza): Rubbettino: 203-212.

Tosco, Mauro. 2002. “‘A Whole Lotta Focusin’ Goin’ On:’ Information packaging in Somali texts”. Studies in African Linguistics 31/1-2: 27-53.

Tosco, Mauro. 2004. “Between zero and nothing: transitivity and noun incorporation in Somali”. Studies in Language 28/1: 83-104.

Tosco, Mauro. 2007. “Feature-geometry and diachrony: The development of the subject clitics in Cushitic and Romance”. Diachronica 24/1: 119-153.

Tosco, Mauro. 2008. “Between subordination and coordination in Gawwada”. In: Zygmunt Frajzyngier and Erin Shay (eds.), Interaction of  morphology and syntax: Case studies in Afroasiatic. Amsterdam: John Benjamins: 2008: 207-226.

Tosco, Mauro. 2010a. “Semelfactive verbs, plurative nouns: on number in Gawwada (Cushitic).” In: Frederick Mario Fales and Giulia Francesca Grassi (eds.), CAMSEMUD 2007:Proceedings of the 13th Italian Meeting of Afro-Asiatic Linguistics. Padova: S.A.R.G.O.N.: 385-399.

Tosco, Mauro. 2010b. “Why contrast matters: information structure in Gawwada (East Cushitic).” In: Ines Fiedler and Anne Schwarz (eds.), The Expression of Information Structure. A documentation of its diversity across Africa. Amsterdam: John Benjamins: 315-348.

General works:

Corbett, Greville G. 1991. Gender. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Corbett, Greville G. 2004. Number. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Saeed, John I. 1999. Somali. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


Typological articles:

(N.B.: further articles to be discussed at classes)

Hetzron, Robert. 1989. “Typological peculiarities in Somali”. Lingua 23/1-2: 26.

Ongaye Oda Orkaydo. Forthcoming. “The category of number in Konso.” In: Alessandro Mengozzi and Mauro Tosco (eds.), Sounds and Words through the Millennia: Afroasiatic from Turin. Alessandria: dell’Orso.

Saeed, John I. 1996. “Head-marking and pronominal clitics in Somali”. In: Richard J. Hayward and Ian M. Lewis (eds.), Voice and Power: The culture of language in North-East Africa. Essays in Honour of B.W. Andrzejewski. London: School of Oriental and African Studies: 37-49. 

Savà, Graziano. 2007. “Interaction between gender and number in Cushitic: the case of Ts’amakko”. In: Marco Moriggi (eds.), Atti del XII Incontro Italiano di Linguistica Camito-Semitica (Afroasiatica). Soveria Mannelli (Cosenza): Rubbettino: 203-212.

Tosco, Mauro. 2002. “‘A Whole Lotta Focusin’ Goin’ On:’ Information packaging in Somali texts”. Studies in African Linguistics 31/1-2: 27-53.

Tosco, Mauro. 2004. “Between zero and nothing: transitivity and noun incorporation in Somali”. Studies in Language 28/1: 83-104.

Tosco, Mauro. 2007. “Feature-geometry and diachrony: The development of the subject clitics in Cushitic and Romance”. Diachronica 24/1: 119-153.

Tosco, Mauro. 2008. “Between subordination and coordination in Gawwada”. In: Zygmunt Frajzyngier and Erin Shay (eds.), Interaction of  morphology and syntax: Case studies in Afroasiatic. Amsterdam: John Benjamins: 2008: 207-226.

Tosco, Mauro. 2010a. “Semelfactive verbs, plurative nouns: on number in Gawwada (Cushitic).” In: Frederick Mario Fales and Giulia Francesca Grassi (eds.), CAMSEMUD 2007:Proceedings of the 13th Italian Meeting of Afro-Asiatic Linguistics. Padova: S.A.R.G.O.N.: 385-399.

Tosco, Mauro. 2010b. “Why contrast matters: information structure in Gawwada (East Cushitic).” In: Ines Fiedler and Anne Schwarz (eds.), The Expression of Information Structure. A documentation of its diversity across Africa. Amsterdam: John Benjamins: 315-348.



Capacità di comprendere e studiare testi scientifici in inglese.

E’ consigliabile una conoscenza, anche solo di base, di linguistica generale.

N.B.: per studenti provenienti da corsi di laurea diversi da "Scienze Linguistiche"  è possibile la sostituzione di parte del corso con temi e letture di carattere antropolinguistico in ambito africano.

  • Ability to understand and work on scientific material in English.
  • A previous – even basic – background in general linguistics is preferred.
  • N.B.: Students from Master courses other than "Scienze Linguistiche" can ask for the possibility to change a part of the programme with readings on specific issues in anthopological linguistics within the domain of African languages.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 07/04/2014 15:32

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